Tour of Aquitaine

Tour of Aquitaine

The Tour d'Aquitaine begins on the Dordogne, takes a detour to the Bassin d'Arcachon and the Atlantique, then to St. Emilion to the vineyards, and further south to the no less interesting towns of Entre-Deux-Mers.


Zum Atlantique und Cap Feret

With air temperatures over 30°C and a cool sea, the surfer kids enjoy taking advantage of the 2-meter surf on the Atlantic.


In the crêperie "Suc et Sel" you can enjoy fine galettes, almost like in Brittany, and an original beer "breizhonec".

St. Emilion

Mystical paintings by Francois Peltier decorate the inside of the cloister.

On the way further south there is a small cemetery with the strange, pretty, ugly porcelain flowers.

La Sauve Majeur Abbey

La Tourne< Chantier Tramasset >

The shipyard in La Tourne on the Garonne was founded over 150 years ago by the Tramasset family. Their job was to build transport boats on the Garonne and to repair broken ones. A socio-cultural association has taken on this task again and revived the old craft.

Let's laugh

Sauveterre - Guyenne

Castelmoron - d'Albret

The smallest municipality in France currently has 48 inhabitants and, fortunately, as it is located on a rocky outcrop, it cannot be expanded. Galleries for paintings and jewelry, as well as pottery workshops, enliven the quiet place.


Chateau Ste Croix du Mont

La Réole

Thanks to its strategic location on the banks of the Garonne, this old fortified town became very wealthy in the Middle Ages. The town hall, founded by Richard the Lionheart around 1200, is one of the oldest in France. The former Benedictine priory now houses the town administration.

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